Top 5 Articles of the Week – September 19, 2013
What the Google AdID Means for Ad Tech
Google is looking to replace the cookie with its own unique identifier. Early speculation is that this is sure to be a progressive move for consumers looking to “opt-out” while potentially devastating to companies who really on 3rd party data and the extensive Google network.
Court: Facebook ‘Like’ Is Protected by the First Amendment
A Federal Appeals Court ruled this week that “liking” something on Facebook is now a protected form of speech protected under the First Amendment. The case responsible? A former deputy sheriff in Hampton, Va.,was fired for liking the Facebook page of a man running against his boss for city sheriff.
NYT Gets Into Live Video in Banners
Three years after YouTube, The New York Times joined the ranks this week with interactive ad units. Specifically, live video in banner ads. This isn’t the first time NYT has looked at ways to re-imagine the banner ad, and we can expect more when it undergoes its site redesign early next year.
PubMatic Brings Display Full Circle: Opens Marketplace For Publisher-Created Nets, Consortia
Supply-side platform, PubMatic, unveiled a new platform that will ideally enable publishers to develop their own partnerships, and essentially their own ad networks by pooling their audiences and employing “audience exchange.”
Storytelling ads may be journalisms new peril
Could native advertising kill journalism? As sponsored posts continue to be the norm, sometimes clearly labeled and sometimes not, we are at risk of losing real journalism unless we get to a point where native advertising stands on its own as “good journalism.”
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