Optimize Your Facebook Retargeting Campaign
If you havent already, its time to start planning to add Facebook retargeting to your marketing mix. As we’ve previously explained, Facebook accounts for 28% of available U.S. display impressions, providing an unparalleled user base and display inventory — an opportunity for digital marketers that should not be missed.
In a space with limiting creative specs, you must find a way to differentiate your Facebook ads and optimize your campaign. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you set up your campaign:
Who are you targeting?
You finally have access to the people who actually want to buy what you are selling. Let your ads reflect your knowledge of the consumer. Dont be afraid to speak directly to your customer and highlight the aspects of your product that will appeal to her. This is where you get to highlight your competitive edge. Does she value your expansive selection? Does she want the industry expert? Is she attracted to your low prices? Is it the speed with which you can offer your services that differentiates you?
Find the winning call-to-action and thumbnail for each FBX ad you serve by considering these questions. Another important reminder customers can see right through stock photos. Consumers are savvy; a stock photo will only make your brand look generic. Put some thought into your thumbnail selections. We previously put together these recommended best practices when it comes to photo selection for your ads.
Why are they on Facebook?
People are on Facebook to see updates from their friends and family, to interact with their peers, and to take a break from their work or whatever else theyre doing. They do not go to Facebook to be inundated with consumer products, goods, and services. Your ad should complement, not interrupt, a users Facebook experience. How can you accomplish a seamless ad placement? Target, target, target!
FBX ad placement gives you the ability to target the right audience like never before. You can target based on previous site visits, a valuable insight for ensure you reach the right audience, or you can use Facebooks traditional demographic info with Facebook Marketplace ads. Dont let this ability go to waste. Its easy to be lazy when it comes to setting up an ad campaign. Take some time to ensure you select the targeting option that will optimize your campaign so that you are efficiently reaching your prospects.
Facebook retargeting can be about quality over quantity. You can bring in clicks that will actually convert, because your ads will only be shown to the right people. I think we can all agree thats something to take advantage of when setting up your Facebook retargeting campaign.