A note from our CEO: Thank you for helping us continue to innovate
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement for our innovative partnerships! Today we are very excited to announce our latest partnership and product: ReTargeter Social with Meteor Solutions.
Our solution enables brands to identify in real-time the key influencers and social audiences who share content from your site. This allows you to show custom targeted ads, increasing engagement with your most active brand advocates.
- Imagine if you could show ads exclusively to users that shared content from your site. These are your advocates and influencers. Stay in front of them!
Meteors technology platform is powered by the companys patent-pending Tag & Trace engine, which tracks content as it is passed-along and identifies the social audience that the shared content reaches. Meteor Analytics software allows you to determine which site content, promotions, rewards, advertisements, social media avenues and locations worked best.
Please let me know if you would like to take advantage of this amazing offer.
PS: More information about the solution here: http://www.meteorsolutions.com/newsroom/in-the-news/meteor-solutions-launches-meteor-advertise-social-ad-targeting-platform-at-techcrunch-disrupt-2011/?fbid=ReTargeter