Ex-Yahoo! Real Estate Executive Launches Innovative Web Ad-Network
San Francisco, Calif. May 9, 2009 Theres an old expression in the Silicon Valley that people never get tired of hearing: its during the bad times that the true visionaries seek out and seize hidden opportunities.
Few solutions exist that allow sites and companies to keep users coming back to, say, complete transactions or engage with the website in other more meaningful ways, says Arjun Dev Arora, Founder and President of ReTargeter.
An electrical engineering and computer science major from U.C. Berkeley, Arora observed from his management experience at Yahoo! that most web marketing discussions are overly concerned with capturing the upper end of the funnel (i.e. bringing users to your website).
Arjun Dev Arora left a lucrative career at Yahoo! Real Estate as the head of Business Development this year in order to devote his time to a side project he had been working since the end of 2008.
Working alongside two well-known Silicon Valley CEOs Auren Hoffman, CEO of RapLeaf, and Tod Saccerdoti, CEO of BrightRoll, Arora officially launched ReTargeter, a site-based retargeting solution for small to medium-sized businesses.
Retargeting aims to encourage past visitors to visit your site again, increasing brand awareness and more tangibly, increasing backend conversions. Simply put, you only have to nudge past visitors with a series of non-invasive banner ads and they will return to re-engage with your site.
By placing a few simple lines of code (or what is called a pixel in industry parlance) on the various pages of your website, ReTargeter tags a visitor to your site. ReTargeter then tracks that visitor as they surf the web.
If the visitor happens to stop at one of ReTargeters affiliate partners websites (of which there are tens of thousands), ReTargeter will then serve up your banner advertisement to the visitor. When he clicks that advertisement, he will be taken back to a contextually relevant landing page on your website. Appropriately, ReTargeter suggests that clients select an ad that reminds their users of the occasion for their last visit.
With clients such as real estate companies, B2B tech companies and even rock bands already using this solution, ReTargeter is helping small and medium-sized businesses attract a loyal customer-base.
Advertisers can track the effectiveness of their ad spend and the advertiser never worries about going over budget. Arora argues its more efficient because the lead time for a retargeting campaign is a matter of hours as opposed to a newsletter or email blast.
ReTargeter handles the initial setup and continuous optimization of a retargeting campaign for a flat monthly fee.
Alongside traditional advertising campaigns, ReTargeters retargeting solution is an intuitive and powerful means of connecting with visitors who have already expressed interest in what you have to offer. In other words, retargeting is a great way to complement or enhance already successful SEO/SEM campaigns.
Reinforce your brand, increase sales conversions and optimize your current marketing efforts, says Arora.
Whats better than that?