Case Study: Major League Soccer (MLS)

Return on Ad Spend274
Total ConversionsMajor League Soccer (MLS), founded in 1996 after the 1994 U.S.-hosted World Cup, is the premier professional soccer league in North America. Currently, the league has 23 professional soccer clubs in The United States and Canada. Today MLS is in a period of dramatic growth, having doubled in size within the last decade. As of 2018, MLS is poised to grow its number of U.S. clubs by 22% in the next four years.
In May 2018, MLS hosted a Sendoff Game at the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles to celebrate the selection of North America to host the 2026 World Cup. MLS’s digital marketing team enlisted the help of ReTargeter to drive online ticket sales for this event. Within a one month span, after running four of ReTargeter’s prospecting and retargeting solutions simultaneously, MLS was able to result in a ROAS of 23:1. Download the case study to learn more about MLS’s campaign with ReTargeter.
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